¿Loco por la música? Si tu respuesta es sí, este es tu espacio. Disfruta de tus vídeos musicales favoritos, vota por las canciones que más te gustan, comenta lo que te sugiere la música y, sobre todo, participa en la creación de este espacio que está hecho para y por los alumnos del IES Delgado Hernández.

Are you crazy about music? If the answer is yes, this is your space. Enjoy your favourite music videos, vote for the songs you like, write about what music means to you and above all, participate in the creation of this space which is made for and by the students in the IES Delgado Hernández.
¡Aprende inglés con las canciones que te gustan!

Learn English with the songs you like!

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

Apologize, by One Republic


1. Write a synonym and an antonym for the verb to apologize:

To apologize = To say ………….
To apologize # To ………………

2. Work with synonyms and antonyms: match synonyms

Ask for
Look for Apply Find Search Give Seek

3. Reported speech: complete the sentence with your own words:

i.e. You tell me that you need me.

You tell me that …………………….

4. Classify all the verbs in the following chart:

Present simple Present continuous Past simple

5. What dou think the flying red can mean?

6. Writing: which things wouldn’t you forgive?

7. Translate the song:

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